The Advance Drama Company will perform their fall one act play, “The Complete History of Theatre Abridged!”, November 6-7 at 7 pm in the Young Center. The play follows William Shakespeare (sophomore...
As we kick off a new school year, St. Pius X is excited to introduce our new teachers. Whether it’s through Campus Ministry, the...
September 24 was the 3rd annual Heritage Homecoming. From 6 to 8 pm, the gyms were filled with food and entertainment from all over...
This past week, St. Pius X High School added an exciting twist to its usual lunch periods—a dunk tank to help support the Annual...
The Marching Golden Lions are continuing to impress with their 2024 halftime show that provides an electric atmosphere at football...
On Thursday August 29, a variety of clubs were on display at the annual Club Sign-up Day. This is a brief overview of some of the St....
What’s that table of people sitting in the breezeway during lunch playing card games and making waffles? That, my friends, is St....
The Chicago Cubs had “The Goat.” The Red Sox had Bambino's Curse. St. Pius X softball had the Marist Drought. Not since 2011...
The St. Pius X varsity volleyball team will host Marist on Thursday, October 3 at 6:30 p.m. for the 15th annual Claws for a Cause game. Claws...
The transition from middle to high school can be daunting in any case, but it’s especially intimidating when you make a sports team…...
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This year’s New York Fashion Week (September 6 - September 11) brought a variety of new styles, from country streetwear to monochrome high fashion. Here are some of this year’s biggest trends and our...
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! No, not Christmas… fall. The ‘ber months (September, October, November, December) have everything there is to love about life and are without a doubt top...
At just five feet tall, petite powerhouse Sabrina Carpenter launched her sixth studio album “Short n Sweet” on August 23, a record that marks her first #1 on the Billboard 200. With a combination of...