The best and worst Thanksgiving foods

There’s a lot of choices, but here’s a list of what to feast on…and what to avoid

Chloe Dierkes, Staff Writer

Holiday season is finally here and while many routines and traditions will be different this year, one thing that we can still look forward to is food, and lots of it. The festive food season will officially kick off next week with a Thanksgiving. In anticipation of the upcoming feast, here are some of the best and worst Thanksgiving foods that you’re sure to find on your table this holiday season.

1. Turkey 

What’s Thanksgiving without a turkey? Many people complain that turkey is too dry, but that is because they haven’t been eating one that was made well. Personally, my favorite is a smoked turkey. It’s the most tender and moist meat, and it’s made even better with gravy. 

2. Sweet potato casserole

You can’t not love something covered in brown sugar and marshmallows. Period. It’s warm, it’s sweet, and it tastes like fall. It really should belong on the dessert table, but technically it’s a vegetable, which really is the real beauty of it. 

3. Mashed potatoes

Buttery mashed potatoes covered in gravy is the quintessential thanksgiving side dish, and any holiday meal would be incomplete without it. The creamy, whipped, fluffy perfection that is mashed potatoes is a hands down holiday favorite. 

4. Green bean casserole

I know there are a lot of green bean casserole haters out there. I used to be one, too. I mean, who likes green beans covered in mushrooms and fried onions? But, when the person making it actually finds a good recipe, and it is made with fresh ingredients then sauteed and baked, it is one of my favorite dishes. 

5. Onion casserole

This dish is pretty good, especially if you like onions, but the compliments end there. Not going to lie, it’s kind of a forgettable side, but when it is on the table, I always enjoy it. 

6. Dinner rolls

Dinner rolls, especially King’s Hawaiian Rolls, are the best. When I was a picky six year old, dinner rolls covered in butter were all I ate, so rolls and me go way back. And besides, who’s ever seen leftover rolls?

7. Corn pudding

Making corn pudding is really a hit or miss. Sometimes, corn pudding is made really well and is one of my favorite sides, but the majority of the time, it is just soggy corn. Or globby corn. Take your pick, but I’d rather skip over it and stay safe.

8. Cranberry sauce

The bitter, jiggly can-shaped mass has never really appealed to me.  This stuff is really just congealed unsweetened cranberry juice. If that’s your thing, you do you, but I’ll pass. 

9. Mac-n-cheese

Don’t get me wrong, I love mac-n-cheese, just not on Thanksgiving. This is the side dish the mom with the picky kids brings so they’ll have something to eat. It’s just not festive. 


What even is stuffing? Bread? Meat? I’m honestly confused. Every year, I get some stuffing, tell my grandma it tastes delicious, then give it to my dog who actually likes it.   

So there you have it, a preview of what we have to look forward to next week. I hope your Thanksgiving is filled with your favorite foods, and enjoy the feast!