Seniors attend final class pilgrimage

The Class of 2023 will spend time at Kennesaw Mountain as they reflect on the last four years at St. Pius X

A group of senior girls enjoy lunch outside during their first month of school. Now eight months later, the Class of 2023 will attend their senior pilgrimage on Monday, April 24, one of their final events together as a grade.

Olivia Piontek, Staff Writer

On Monday, April 24, the Class of 2023 will head to Kennesaw Mountain for their senior retreat.  The day includes Mass, breakfast, hiking, and other fun activities. Back when the seniors were only freshmen, they went to Stone Mountain for their first class pilgrimage. Four years later, the experience of this final class pilgrimage is meant to be a similar experience where they can reflect on their time at St. Pius X. 

“We want you to have a somewhat mirrored experience to what you had your freshman year,” said theology teacher and Associate Campus Minister Ms. Elizabeth Bond. 

They walked up a mountain in the fall of 2019 as teenagers who were brand new to high school, and now in the spring of 2023, they’ll walk down a mountain as young men and women who are headed off to college in just a few months. 

“It shows your growth as a senior. It allows you to look back at your time at Pius and see how far you have come since then,” Ms. Bond said.

The day will start with Mass on campus in the Young Center and breakfast. They’ll then take buses to Kennesaw Mountain and spend the rest of the day enjoying one of their final times together as a class.

“We’ll probably play games and stuff, and everything has to do with our time [at] Pius,” Ms. Bond said. “We hope that you [the seniors] will see this as an exciting way to be sent forth to college.”