Tonight at 7:00 pm in the Young Center, the guitar and chorus programs will be hosting their first concert of the year, named “Courage.”
Chorus Director Mr. Mike Abreu said the show is named “Courage” because “When the world seems to crumble around us, we have courage because we are God’s children.” The theme is also representative of the student performers who have had to take a big step out of their comfort zones.
“The students have had to lead themselves,” Guitar Director Mr. Patrick Bolin said. “They’ve had to sing, even if they’re not comfortable with it. They’re going to play guitar solos that they’re not used to. So, they have to have the courage, independence, and fortitude, to do that in front of their family members, and all their friends.”
The chorus and all levels of guitar (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced) will be performing in the concert. They have put in hours of time and effort to put together such a great show.
Chorus students have been preparing for this performance since August, both together as a group and as soloists.
“We’ve got two elements that we’ll be showcasing for our concert. The first is the chorus, part of it, where we’ve been preparing three songs, and generally, we work on that two to three times a week,” Mrs. Abreu said. “And then we have our solo works, in which different students have been preparing different solos that they’re interested in, some of them that I choose for them, just to help them in their development.”
Guitar students from all three levels (beginner, intermediate, and advanced) have also worked hard since the beginning of the school year. The setlist features a wide variety songs.
“We’re playing some classical music, and then the intermediate and advanced groups are playing rock songs that they chose. They pick songs, they rehearse themselves, singing, piano, bass, drums, guitar, all that stuff,” said Mr. Bolin. Make sure to come see the chorus and guitar program exhibit their talent and show off their hard work tonight! Here is the link to buy tickets. Students will get one free ticket with the code STUDENT2425.